How From Yoga You Can Get Cranio Sacral Therapy Benefits?

If you have hunched shoulders, an achy back, or a stiff neck, you can greatly benefit from craniosacral therapy and even from yoga. Indulging in the practice of yoga can give you a head start on the benefits of craniosacral therapy, which is also known as CST. These two therapies complement each other in many ways.

CranioSacral therapy has very similar advantages to yoga. Just like yoga, CST calms the central nervous system, boosts the immune system, and releases the body’s habitual tension patterns. CranioSacral Therapy is a hands-on work that focuses on the area between the skull and the sacrum, which is the triangular-shaped bone that fits into the back of the pelvis. It is a powerful therapy because it enhances the movement of the spinal fluid, this helps in improving the nutrition of the central nervous system.

The main concept of CranioSacral therapy is that tension can develop in the body’s connective tissue because of which the craniosacral fluid is restricted. The therapist tries to release the tightness by placing the right amount of pressure on an area on the spot until the muscles slowly release.

Yoga therapy in Katy can help you get the same benefits as CranioSacral therapy. In yoga therapy, you learn how to relax and direct your breath. There are many asanas in yoga that give you the benefit of CST. After learning to use the breath to release energy, you can use these asanas to enhance it. 

The following postures help in releasing the bands of the diaphragm. And it is not about the pose but the awareness and the breath is directed. The asanas like Adho Mukha Svanasana which is also known as Downward Facing Dog Pose, Cat-cow pose, Balasana (child’s pose), and  Uttanasana which is also called standing forward bend, all these asanas of yoga are for craniosacral therapy.
